Automated Portfolio Manager


WealthAgile is an automated portfolio manager for crypto on Centralized Exchanges. Users can connect their centralized exchange account and subscribe to actively managed portfolios.


Project Type: End-to-end Development

Background: WealthAgile is an automated portfolio manager for crypto on Centralized Exchanges. Users can connect their centralized exchnage account and subscribe to actively managed portfolios.

How We Delivered:

  • Created the UI/UX for the mobile app using Figma. Developed the app in React Native Expo.
  • Backend is based on micro service architecture using Serverless framework on AWS Lambda.
  • Implemented authentication using Twillo and a password less sign in.
  • Sentiment based hedging system implemented
  • AI based weighting using python and Matlab

Feature set: Multiple Exchange Connection, Subscription/Unsubscribing portfolio, Automated Investment .